A Mystifying and Unexpected Event

Servant-leadership is talked about a lot in books, conferences, and social media by church leaders and business leaders, too. But it’s not so common. As we all know, talking about it and living it out are two entirely different things. Sadly, the chasm between talk and action can be pretty wide.

Chapter 13 in the gospel of John opens with Jesus knowing His hour had come. It was the time of the Passover, a national festival and memorial. It would be the last Passover Jesus would eat with His disciples, but one He would fulfill prophetically to provide redemption for all humanity (Luke 22:15-16).

John’s narrative makes clear what is meant by His hour had come (John 13:1-3), which prefaces an unexpected and still misunderstood event—Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. 

The first five verses paint a paradoxical picture of the Son of God. The Father sent Him from heaven. Yet in this story, we see Him stoop down to wash the feet of His closest followers like a common servant.

A paradoxical picture

Picture this in your mind. Jesus and the disciples weren’t sitting at a table with chairs as we would today, with separate place settings and silverware. They reclined around a low table and ate out of a common dish of food with their hands. They gathered in somewhat of a circle with their feet extended out and reclined on one side with one hand free for eating.

I’m sure there was some jockeying for position to sit closest to the Lord, as indicated from other insights in the gospels (Matt 20:20-28; Luke 22:24-27). Later in this story, we find out John is next to Jesus and Peter is near John and Judas was also with them.

There was no question Jesus was the leader, their Rabbi and the hoped-for Messiah. He addressed the issue of authority and the concept of servant-leadership at other times, especially when He knew they argued about who was the greatest and most important as His followers.

Then He does something unexpected and mystifying. He gets up, strips off His outer garments, wraps a towel around His waist, pours water into a basin, washes the feet of His disciples one by one, then dries their feet with the towel wrapped around His waist.

Have you ever pictured and thought about how this took place?

A protest and gentle rebuke

What Jesus did was contrary to all the disciples knew about leadership. Their concept of leadership is what most people have in mind—authority, status, privilege, respect, and a host of other expectations. Pretty much how most of us think of leadership.

One thing that was not a mystery is what Jesus did. Every disciple knew the lowest of servants got the job of washing the feet of guests. And Jesus played the part well. When He stripped down to His undergarments, He looked like a lowly servant and gave them a prophetic preview of His appearance on the cross.

I imagine the disciples had a look of shock and felt mortified that their master stooped to such a lowly position as He washed their feet. 

Finally, Peter could not stand it any longer. When Jesus came to wash his feet, Peter protested and refused to allow the Lord to do so. This was not unusual for Peter (Matt 16:22) and Jesus understood this. Jesus tried to push past Peter’s protest gently—

Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” (John 13:7)

When Peter escalated his protest, Jesus gently rebuked him—

Peter said to Him, “You shall never wash my feet!” Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.” (John 13:8)

Peter quickly capitulates to Jesus. He realizes his refusal would exclude him from relationship with Jesus and possibly the Kingdom of God. 

But there’s far more going on here than that. This was a time of instruction for all of His disciples. But what have we learned from it? More importantly, how have we put what we learned into practice?

What have we really learned from Jesus washing the disciples’ feet?

Shattered stereotypes

We usually categorize and limit people according to how we see them—their roles, positions, possessions, appearance, and even their words. Then we exalt or belittle them based on surface observations. It is so natural we do not realize it.

I see this too often in how people treat or ignore servers in a restaurant or salespeople in a store, or talk to call center representatives. Sadly, I have also seen this in churches. Too many leaders take volunteers for granted and treat staff as if they are the CEO in charge of a company.

People coming to church are often quick to exalt pastors and leaders while ignoring the volunteers that care for their children or keep the building and grounds clean and in order. None of this reflects the example and life of our Lord Jesus.

So, it is no mystery why Jesus chose this approach to teach the disciples. He wanted to shatter our typical stereotypes about leadership and service and who is or isn’t important.

One simple thing Jesus demonstrated by washing the disciples’ feet was servant-leadership. Though He was the Messiah, their Rabbi and Master, He took on the appearance of a lowly servant as an example of the leadership He expected of them.

For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. (John 13:15)

What is your takeaway from all of this for yourself?


photo credit, lightstock.com

8 thoughts on “A Mystifying and Unexpected Event”

  1. Thanks, Trip – I think that any pastor who takes two seconds to consider it will realize that he stands on a lot of shoulders, which means he should stoop and wash a lot of feet!!

  2. I admit I do this and its a natural thing for me. I don’t want to look down at people based on how they look or how they talk. I don’t want others to do that to me.

  3. Stacey Peterson

    Thanks for slowing me down and helping me visual the scene. I was struck at how Jesus gave them an unexpected “preview” of His ultimate coming act of service. As they saw Him on the cross (and as we envision Him there), there is so much to process … it is the ultimate paradox … the King who dies for his Subjects … the blameless Son of God who suffers for our fallen human race. I love how Jesus taught through every word and act. He is the Way!

    1. Glad this encouraged you and I appreciate the thoughts you’ve shared here. It is an amazing paradox, isn’t it! It humbles me and helps me keep life and ministry in perspective.
      The Lord is so gracious and merciful!
      Thanks again for sharing!

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