
There is nothing progressive or Christian about Progressive Christianity.

  • Culture says that Jesus is one among many and not One above all.
    • Progressive Christianity says that Jesus is one among many and not One above all.
  • Culture says that Jesus was nothing more than a wise teacher and a moral exemplar.
    • Progressive Christianity says that Jesus was nothing more than a wise teacher and a moral exemplar.
  • Culture says that Jesus was not God made manifest in the flesh.
    • Progressive Christianity says that Jesus was not God made manifest in the flesh.
  • Culture has no bloody cross and empty tomb.
    • Progressive Christianity has no bloody cross and empty tomb.
  • Culture says that the Bible is not the inspired word of God.
    • Progressive Christianity says that the Bible is not the inspired word of God.
  • Culture says that truth is relative and that all religions are the same.
    • Progressive Christianity says that truth is relative and that all religions are the same.
  • Culture says that life in the womb can be terminated whenever and for whatever reason.
    • Progressive Christianity says that life in the womb can be terminated whenever and for whatever reason.
  • Culture says that men can have sex with men and women can have sex with women and men can become women and women can become men, but gay can’t become straight.
    • Progressive Christianity says that men can have sex with men and women can have sex with women and men can become women and women can become men, but gay can’t become straight.
  • Culture (at least part of it) says that all Life is Sacred – Jesus isn’t Sacred, Life is Sacred.
    • Progressive Christianity says that all Life is Sacred – Jesus isn’t Sacred, Life is Sacred.
  • Culture says that people are basically good and don’t need a Savior.
    • Progressive Christianity says that people are basically good and don’t need a Savior.

The Blood-Bought Church of Jesus Christ stands counter to all that Culture and Progressive Christianity claim. We say: Jesus isn’t one among many, He is One above all; Jesus was more than a wise teacher and moral exemplar, He was God in the flesh; we confess the substitutionary atonement of the cross and rejoice in the empty tomb; we believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God; we say that truth is absolute and that all religions are not the same; we hold that life in the womb is sacred and cannot be terminated whenever and for whatever reason – the life inside the womb is just that, life, and all life is Sacred; we believe that men can’t have sex with men and women can’t have sex with women and that men can’t become women and that women can’t become men and that gay can become straight; we confess that people are basically sinful and need a Savior.

Progressive Christianity is not just one more version of historic Christianity – it is the repudiation and rejection of historic Christianity. There is nothing progressive or Christian about Progressive Christianity – it is Culture baptized into religious language. It is a Cultural Christianity – except there is nothing distinctly Christian about it. Progressive Christianity is Cultural Religion, a Humanistic Spirituality – nothing more. Progressive Christianity is Christianity married to Culture. Culture is the husband and Progressive Christianity is the wife. And here the wife is submitting to her husband in everything. The Bride of Christ has become the Bride of Culture – and their offspring will not be the children of God.

Church – be aware, pray for those who identify with this movement, stand strong, and don’t be swept up in the current madness. Jude, the brother of Jesus, writes for such a time as this –

“I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints. For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” Jude 1:3-4

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