2 thoughts on “The Bible & Gender”

  1. Roshell Claiborne

    This was such a good post… I really got a lot out of this message and it made me think about things differently. I always thought that we should love people back to Christ in spite of their beliefs and just trust God to do the work in them to bring about change in them…repented lifestyle one hang up at a time. So thank you for clarifying the status quote. People are hurting and confused but it’s our jobs as Christians to provide a loving outlet to allow God to come into their hearts and deal with that particular sin and lead them to a repented heart which would leave them desiring to have a transformed life! That is the power of Christianity!!


  2. I agree. I like the point, Let’s not make a special case for the transgender we wouldn’t make for the flannel-shirted lumberjack who likes porn. We have the tendency to focus on the sins of others that repulse us. Yet repentance from all sin is in order. Focusing on one specific group as if they are the greater sinners is a mistake

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