They’re All the Same

All religions teach the same thing.

Except for the nature of God and man, the reality of sin and the means of salvation, and the character of heaven and hell – yes, all religions teach the same thing.

All religions agree on morality – we are to live a virtuous life. But here’s the mega-question that is at the heart of every religion: How is a man made right with God? Here all religions do not teach the same thing. Buddhists will say one thing and Jews another. Muslims will say one thing and Christians another. To assert that all religions teach the same thing is at best naïve, and at worst, intellectual dishonesty.

All religions other than Christianity say, “Do.” You have to work for you salvation and demonstrate that you deserve heaven – you have to work for it. Christianity says, “Done.” Christ has done what we could never do and offers salvation to us as a gift. Thank You, Jesus!

No, all religions do not teach the same thing.

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